Collections is the textbook that will be used in class. 

All students now have online access to Collections. Usernames and passwords were given out this week. 

Additional resources used in class are: Common Core Workbook, Performance Assessment Workbook, Close Reader Workbook, Study Island, and Discovery Education.

UPDATE FOR STUDY ISLAND!!!! Students must now complete all questions assigned for each task for the week in order to receive credit. The average percentage earned on all weekly skills will be the grade earned. Students are able to make as many attempts needed to earn a higher average for each study skill. The weekly Study Island assignment is due on Thursday at 8:30 a.m. All log sheets must be initialed by a parent and turned in to Mrs. Lyons on Thursday in the beginning of class.

Online resources:


Discovery Education (discoveryeducation.com)

Study Island (studyisland.com)

Collections (My.HRW.com)

Class concepts:

  • Reading Comprehension
  • Fiction/Nonfiction
  • Writing Process: Pre-writing, Drafting, Revising, Editing, and Publishing
  • Creative, Informative, and Persuasive Writing
  • Research Process


audience, purpose, precise claim, reason, opposing claim,style, transitions, introduction, conclusion, anecdotes, commonly accepted beliefs, examples, expert opinion, facts, swell, deck, navigation, submerge, porthole, aspect, cultural, evaluate, resource, text 

Accelerated Reader (AR) is Here!

I am happy to say that AR is up and running.  For those we are unfamiliar with AR, it is a monitoring system for independent reading.  Students will take quizzes based on the books they read outside of class.  Quizzes will be taken on the computer in class when times allows. Students are not permitted to read their summer reading books for AR.

Last week, students took a Star Assessment that allowed us to figure out your child's ZPD (zone of proximal development).  These levels will allow students to find books that are at their reading level, and allow them to take comprehension quizzes in class to gain points towards their goals.  

Each student has been given a chart with their individual ZPD as well as their quarterly goal for points.  Each quarter the students will receive an updated ZPD and point goal. Their overall reading comprehension goal is 85%.

The points will accumulate towards their final grade for AR (a quarterly grade) based on the percentage of points earned. For example:

A student has a goal of 10 points, but only completes. 8.5 points.  Their grade is 85%.

All books have varying amounts of points that can be earned.  Quizzes can range from 3, 5, 10 or 20 questions depending on the length of the book.  Students must score at least a 60% of questions right to gain points.  For example:

A student who read a longer book with a higher book level and takes a 10-question quiz on a book worth 5 points will earn:

5 points for 10 correct (100%)
4.5 points for 9 correct (90%)
4.0 points for 8 correct (80%)
3.5 points for 7 correct (70%)
3 points for 6 correct (60%)
0 points for 5 correct or fewer

You can check any book's ZPD rating and point value by using AR BOOK FINDER.  

Quarter 4 Accelerated Reader is due May 29th .

If you have any questions about AR, please do not hesitate to e-mail me.  


Don't forget about AR! It will be worth two grades for Quarter 4....

1. Comprehension Percentage Grade

2. Performance Goal Grade

Read, read, read  at night and over the weekend! This is the perfect opportunity to do a lot of reading!

Week of 5/11/15-5/15/15

Looking for extra resources to review and practice at home with? Please check out the downloaded resources at the bottom of this page!!!!


4th Quarter Accelerated Reader- due Friday, May 29th.

Next week's agenda:


ELA- Periods 1, 2, and 4:

Study Island due Thursday: 20 Questions of Figurative Meanings

DNA: Flight of Icarus Quiz (PowerPoint)

Level Up Tutorial: Theme


ELA- Periods 1, 2, and 4

DNA: Students will complete Close Reader: Big Things Come In Small Packages, Finding Your Everest, and Arachne.

Stick figure charts: traits of Theseus, Daedalus, and Icarus

  1. Description of physical appearance
  2. Character’s speech, thoughts and actions
  3. Reactions of other characters
  4. Narrator’s direct coments

Accelerated Reader


ELA- Periods 1, 2 and 4

Study Island due tomorrow: 20 Questions of Figurative Meanings

Monster Madness Activity- Students will create their own mythological creature. They will give it a name and draw a picture. In three paragraphs, they willdescribe it’s origin, personality, and powers.

Accelerated Reader



ELA- Periods 1, 2 and 4:

Study Island due today- Figurative Meanings

World Mythology Research Project


ELA- Periods 1, 2 and 4:

World Mythology Research Project






Summarize and Paraphrase.pptx Summarize and Paraphrase.pptx
Size : 79.932 Kb
Type : pptx
Size : 42.428 Kb
Type : docx
Gr8_Frederick_Douglass_Narrative.pdf Gr8_Frederick_Douglass_Narrative.pdf
Size : 809.381 Kb
Type : pdf
doc03263820150112132737.pdf doc03263820150112132737.pdf
Size : 377.366 Kb
Type : pdf
Linking Words Booklet.pdf Linking Words Booklet.pdf
Size : 165.521 Kb
Type : pdf
identifying-text-structure-1.pdf identifying-text-structure-1.pdf
Size : 25.095 Kb
Type : pdf
caueff9.pdf caueff9.pdf
Size : 55.82 Kb
Type : pdf
doc03410720150205082552.pdf doc03410720150205082552.pdf
Size : 2451.6 Kb
Type : pdf

Check out this YouTube video about thesis statements!


ThesisStatementppt2ppt_000.ppt ThesisStatementppt2ppt_000.ppt
Size : 499.5 Kb
Type : ppt
McWhorter_0321850378_C05.pdf McWhorter_0321850378_C05.pdf
Size : 3810.175 Kb
Type : pdf
topic-sentences-review.pdf topic-sentences-review.pdf
Size : 104.563 Kb
Type : pdf
7th transitions.pdf 7th transitions.pdf
Size : 1344.628 Kb
Type : pdf
TransitionsWordsActivity.pdf TransitionsWordsActivity.pdf
Size : 109.256 Kb
Type : pdf